Welcome to POTW fellow Bump photographers!

This blog is to host the weekly photo challenges from The Bump Photography Board / Secret Photo Nerds Photography Board. Newbies, Amateurs, Hobbyists and Pros are all welcome and encouraged to participate. New: by popular demand, this has become a voting challenge. Stay and enjoy the inspiration!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Voting Thread: Miniature:

k, a few ground rules for voting (I know, rules suck, but even Fight Club had rules):

1. Voting will be open from 2:15pm Wednesday September 22 - 11:59pm  Thursday September 23 (PST). (later voting to accommodate the delay in posting).
2. Please do not vote for your own photo (honour system here).
3. Yu may choose up to 3 to vote for.
4. I truly hope this goes without saying, but please do not share this link and solicit votes from friends/family.(also honour system here)
5. The top 3 vote getters will receive bragging rights for the week.

Put your judging hats on! Good luck everyone :)

A note on voting: select up to 3 options at ONE TIME, THEN hit vote. If you don't, the system will only let you vote once and you can't go back to revote.

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