Welcome to POTW fellow Bump photographers!

This blog is to host the weekly photo challenges from The Bump Photography Board / Secret Photo Nerds Photography Board. Newbies, Amateurs, Hobbyists and Pros are all welcome and encouraged to participate. New: by popular demand, this has become a voting challenge. Stay and enjoy the inspiration!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mood: Voting Post

Ok, a few ground rules for voting (I know, rules suck, but even Fight Club had rules):

1. Voting will be open from 10:30pm Wednesday August 11 - 11:59pm Friday August 13 (PST).
2. Please do not vote for your own photo (honour system here).
3. You may only choose 1 to vote for (hard, I know!). In the event of a tie, we can do a short vote-off over the weekend.
4. I truly hope this goes without saying, but please do not share this link and solicit votes from friends/family. The intent is to poll our direct community - regular posters/lurkers on TB or SPN. This is an honour system people! If I see numbers swell above even our regular lurker status, I will shut it down and look at alternative ways to poll. I really don't want to use comments and have to manually add things up myself, so please, lets all play nice and let the system do the work for us!
5. The top 3 vote getters will receive bragging rights.
Let the games begin!

1 comment:

  1. what about adding laura G to the clicky? cause i'm voting for her!

